Weakness, collapse due to sexual excesses or long
febrile illnesses.
Sexual dysfunction.
Weakness from heat (Chronic fatigue syndrome, Multiple sclerosis).
- | Prepared by trituration with sugar of milk. This
was proved and introduced by Hering. |
- | Selenium was discovered in 1818 by Berzelius and was named after the moon
because it is found associated with Tellurium (“Tellus” - the earth), and
with Sulphur. |
< | Draft of air, even if warm
> | Uncovering, even in cool room |
- | Cannot take mental exertion.
- | Forgetfulness when awake, with DISTINCT RECOLLECTION DURING HALF SLEEP.
Forgetfulness in business, recollects in dreams whatever he has forgotten.
- | Great loquacity, fond of conversing especially in evening.
- | When excited, stammers, uses syllables of words in wrong connection, |
- | Adapted to light complexioned blondes;
great emaciation of face, hands, of single parts.
- | General debility, weakness involving all parts of the body.
- | Easily fatigued from any labour, physical or mental, loss of sleep and hot
- | Hotter the body, weaker he is. Strength rises as the Sun sinks.
- | Debility due to debilitating diseases, sexual excess.
- | Any exertion, mental or physical causes fatigue and wants to sleep from sheer
exhaustion, but < by sleep.
- | Relaxation - dribbling or urine, escape of seminal fluids especially during
stool, slow and weak erection.
- | Emaciation in single parts.
- | HAIR FALLS off, on head, eyebrows, from WHOLE BODY; don't want hair touched.
- | Sweat - yellow, leaves salty deposit, stiffens the linen or makes the hair
stiff and wiry, < genitals.
- | Head - Pain over left eye.
- | A/F mental labour, walking in sun, strong odours tea, every afternoon.
- | Vertigo < on lifting head, rising from seat, rising himself in bed,
moving about < an hour after breakfast and dinner.
after long use of voice, as soon as he begins to sing, talk or read,
obliged to clear the throat frequently of a transparent, starchy mucus
- | Stomach - Hungry at night (Cina. Psor.).
- | Longing for spirituous liquors, especially brandy, an almost irresistible
maniacal desire.
- | Rectum – Constipation: Stools large, hard, impacted, so that it requires
mechanical aid (Aloe, Calc, Sanic, Sep, Sil.) after serious illness,
especially enteric fever.
- | Male genitalia - Impotence with desire.
- | Lewd thoughts, but physically IMPOTENT (sudden impotence - Chlor).
- | Erections slow, insufficient, too rapid emission with long continued thrill.
- | Weak, ill humoured after coitus.
- | Discharge of semen drop by drop during sleep.
- | Priapism, glands drawn up (Berb, Canth - drawn down).
- | Involuntary DRIBBLING OF SEMEN and prostatic fluid oozes while sitting at
STOOL, during sleep.
- | Semen thin and scentless.
- | Back - Weakness of back associated with coition or seminal discharge.
- | Sleep - Catnaps throughout night. |
- Coryza ending in diarrhoea.
- Debility < heat. Increases with sun and decreases with sunset.
- Involuntary prostatic discharge while sitting for stool.
- | Ill effects of debauchery.
- | Easily debility which increases due to heat. Weakness, debility and
relaxation especially seen in the sexual sphere. |
- Great mental and physical debility especially
from sexual excesses.
- Impotency, prostatic dribbling, seminal emission.
- | Alopecia, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Impotence,
Laryngitis, Prostatic hypertrophy.
- | Overstrain of students, forgetting what they read. |
Follows Well: Calad, Merc, Nat-c, Ph-ac, Staph, Sulph
Inimical: Chin
Compare: Aloe, Arg-m, Arum-t, Berb, Calc, Camph, Caust, Cina, Cinch,
Cob, Cop, Cycl, Dig, Ferr, Graph, Ign, Lach, Lith-c, Lyc, Nat-c, Nat-m,
Nat-Seli, Pic-ac, Psor, Sanic, Sep, Sol, Stann, Sulph, Tell, Thuj
Antidoted By: Ign, Puls