BROMIUM uses [Brom uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
induration and stony hardness of glands
Summer complaints > at sea. Asthma in sailors which is aggravated on
leaving the sea
- | Complaints
from becoming over heated
- | Damp, warm weather (of spring, summer, autumn)
< | From evening until midnight
> | Nose bleed (Vertigo, head, chest)
- | Anxious
apprehensiveness, with great depression of spirits
- | Expects to see things jump around the floor as if someone were behind him |
- | Suited
to blue-eyed, fair people, especially children with thin, white, delicate
skin, very light hair and eyebrows. Scrofulous constitutions
- | LEFT SIDED REMEDY -breast, throat, ovary, headache, left sided mumps.
(Exception -affection of right lung)
- | Tendency to infiltrate GLANDS, become enlarged, hard but seldom suppurate.
Parotid, thyroid, ovaries and mammary glands - swollen and indurated
- | Continued yawning and drowsiness with respiratory troubles
- | Respiratory system - Dry CROUPY cough with hoarseness, with rattling of mucus
in larynx
- | LARYNGEAL DIPHTHERIA - membrane formation occurs in larynx, spreading
- | Colds start in larynx, go upwards (Merc, Sep) and downwards
- | COLD sensation in larynx when inspiring (Rhus-t, Sulph) >AFTER SHAVING
(worse after shaving - Carbo-an)
- | Every inspiration provokes cough
- | Asthma, INSPIRATION VERY DIFFICULT (Iod) Chlorum- difficulty in exhaling)
- | ASTHMA OF SAILORS GOING ASHORE > when they go to sea again [Clarke ->
at seaside is the rule, case of sailors being exception]
- | Nose bleed accompanies many affections, especially of chest
- | Endocrines - Hard GOITRE (Spong)
- | Even a small goitre oppresses
- | G.I.T. - PILES -Bleed intensely, painful < application of cold or warm
water > wetting part with saliva
- | Loud emissions of air (noisy flatus) from vagina
- | Extremities - ICY COLDNESS of forearms
Asthma of sea faring men when they come to land > AT SEA
Membranous formation occurs in larynx, then runs upwards to fauces
Cold sensation in larynx when inspiring > after shaving
- | Scrofulous children with enlarged glands
- | Laryngeal diphtheria with membrane formation in larynx spreading upwards
- | Weak and easily overheated, then extremely sensitive to cold |
Ascending complaints
- | Acne,
Adenopathy, Asthma, Croup, Diphtheria, Glandular indurations, Goitre,
Laryngitis, Laryngospasm, Ovarian cysts, Pharyngitis, Rhinitis, Tonsillitis,
- | Hoarseness caused by weeping |
Follows Well: Arg-n, Kali-c
Compare: Iod, Spong
Similar: Ant-t, Apis, Arg-n, Ars, Bell, Bor, Caust, Cina, Cinch, Coff,
Con, Cupr, Fl-ac, Hep, Iod, Lach, Lyc, Merc, Phos, Rhus-t, Sep, Spong, Sulph
Antidoted By: Am-c, Camph, Mag-c, Op
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