What is the best cure for sore nipples in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for sore nipples in Bangalore.
What is the best cure for cracked nipples in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for cracked nipples in Bangalore.
What is the best cure for cracked nipples in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for cracked nipples in Bangalore.
What is the best sore nipples treatment in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best sore nipples treatment in Bangalore.
What is the best cracked nipples treatment in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cracked nipples treatment in Bangalore.
nipples, medically termed as sore nipples are probably the most common
difficulty mothers have when breastfeeding. It is characterized by tenderness and pain. It's normal to
feel some tenderness at the beginning of a feed during the first few
days of breastfeeding. But severe or lasting pain is not normal. Nipple
soreness is almost always a short-term problem, and can usually be
corrected in a matter of days.
A very high risk period for having sore and cracked nipples is the post-natal period. There could be many reasons like an improperly positioned
newborn or a baby with a very strong suck can result in sore nipples.
Sore nipples, over time, can turn into cracked nipples.
If nipples feel painfully sore or the nipples or areola feel bruised,
it is more likely that it is related to an improper latch-on process or
ineffective sucking. Suspect a difficulty with baby's latch or sucking
if nipples become very red, raw, blistered, or cracked. A latch or
sucking difficulty or a structural variation in the baby's mouth might
result in nipples that look creased or blanched (turn white) at the end
of feedings.
Improper care or hygienic condition can also result in this troublesome
situation. Nipples, if remain dry is prime factor that contribute in
soreness and cracking. Any wound's ignorance can lead to such condition
that again requires major attention before it turns big.
The best treatment of sore nipples is prevention. The best prevention is getting the baby to latch on properly from the first day. This can
be done by:
- Proper positioning and latching.
- Positioning-
At first, it may be easiest for many mothers to use the cross
cradle hold to position the baby for latching on. Hold the baby in
right arm, pushing in the baby's bottom with the side of the forearm so
that hand turns palm upwards (towards the ceiling). This will help in
supporting his body more easily as the baby's weight is on your forearm
rather than wrist or hand. Holding the baby like this also will bring
the baby in from the correct direction so that he gets a good latch.
The hand will be palm up under the baby's face (not shoulder or under
his neck). The web between thumb and index finger should be behind the
nape of his neck (not behind his head). The baby will be almost
horizontal across the body, with his head slight tilted backward, and
should be turned so that his chest, belly and thighs are against mother
with a slight tilt upwards so the baby can look at her mother. Hold the
breast with left hand, with the thumb on top and the other fingers
underneath, fairly far back from the nipple and areola.
The baby should be approaching the breast with the head just slightly
tilted backwards. The nipple then automatically points to the roof of
the baby's mouth.
- Latching-
- Now, get the baby to open up his mouth wide. The way to do this is to
run your nipple, still pointing to the roof of the baby's mouth, along
the baby's upper lip (not lower), lightly, just a tickle, from one
corner of the mouth to the other. Or you can run the baby along your
nipple, something some mothers find easier. Wait for the baby to open
up as if yawning. As you bring the baby toward the breast, only his
chin should touch your breast. Do not scoop him around so that the
nipple points to the middle of his mouth. Instead the nipple should
still be pointing to the roof of the baby's mouth.
- When the baby opens up his mouth, use the arm that is holding him to
bring him straight (not scooped around) onto the breast. Don't worry
about the baby's breathing. If he is properly positioned and latched
on, he will breathe without any problem since his nose will be far away
from the breast. If he cannot breathe, he will pull away from the
breast. If he cannot breathe, he is not latched properly. Don't be
afraid to be quick.
- If the nipple still hurts, use your index finger to pull down on the
baby's chin; this will bring more of your breast into the baby's mouth.
You may have to do this for the duration of the feed, but not usually.
The pain should usually subside. Do not take the baby on and off the
breast several times to get the perfect latch. If the baby goes on and
off the breast 5 times and it hurts, you will have 5 times more pain,
and worse, 5 times more damage, and the baby and you will both be
frustrated. Adjust the latch when putting him to the other breast, or
at the next feeding.
- The same principles apply whether you are sitting or lying down with
the baby or using the football or cradle hold. Get the baby to open
wide; don't let the baby latch onto the nipple, but get as much of the
areola (brown part of breast) into the mouth as possible (not
necessarily the whole areola).
- There is no "normal" length of feeding time. If you have questions,
call the clinic.
- A baby properly latched on will be covering more of the areola with
his lower lip than with the upper lip.
- Limiting the amount of time of nursing on the
sore nipple, always starting with the side that is not sore.
- Use of bra pads, and changing them frequently to keep nipples dry.
- Breastfeeding frequently and regularly to avoid nipple confusion and sore nipple.
- Massage a little hand expressed milk into the nipples after finishing the nursing, and letting them air dry.
- One can also express a little milk before breastfeeding to regularize the flow of milk.
- Use of nipple protectors as long as nipples don't heal.
Role of homoeopathy
Homeopathy can successfully cure sore nipples, that means, it can cure cracked nipples. Treatment is given to the patient depending on the cause. The medicines act safely without producing side-effects on either the mother or the baby.
What is the best cure for sore nipples in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for sore nipples in Bangalore.
What is the best cure for cracked nipples in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for cracked nipples in Bangalore.
What is the best cure for cracked nipples in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for cracked nipples in Bangalore.
What is the best sore nipples treatment in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best sore nipples treatment in Bangalore.
What is the best cracked nipples treatment in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cracked nipples treatment in Bangalore.
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