PLUMBUM METALLICUM uses / Plumbum uses/ Plumbum met uses [Plb uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Slow, insidious processes. Paralysis. Atrophy.
Retraction. Violent contraction. Sclerosis
- | SLOWNESS in perceptive and expressive functions
- | Memory poor, especially for words. Struggle to find the right word to
express himself. Slow perception, weakness or loss of memory (Anac, Bar-c)
- | Mental depression. Apathy, no enjoyment in ordinary things
- | 'High-livers', people who have been SELFISH and possessive and have become
accustomed to these things. Self-satisfied. Self indulgent
- | Irritability because of apathy, with impulse to do harm to themselves
- | Counteract the apathy by getting involved in things which are unacceptable
to society, e.g. scandalous behavior, gambling
- | Hysterical FEIGNING of sickness
- | Inclined to deceive, to feign sickness, to EXAGGERATE illness
- | Impulse to stretch. Takes odd positions during sleep
- | Lassitude, faints on going into a room full of company
- | Fear of being ASSASSINATED
- | Intensely emotional, while the intellect is slowed down
- | Assumes strangest attitudes and positions in bed |
- | SLOWING down of functions like in arteriosclerotic
deterioration. ARTERIO-SCLEROSIS. Slow development of symptoms
- | Neurological conditions: Parkinson, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Multiple
Sclerosis, Cerebrovascular Accident, Convulsions, Chronic Epilepsy with
marked aura, with haemorrhages
- | ATROPHY OF AFFECTED PARTS, e.g. paralyzed muscles. Excessive and rapid
EMACIATION, especially of suffering parts. Progressive muscular atrophy,
general or partial paralysis, with anaemia and great weakness
- | Symptoms appear slowly, insidiously, progressively, coming in single parts.
Paralysis of single muscles
- | Cramps and pains > by rubbing, massage (Phos)
- | PARESIS LEADING TO PARALYSIS. Weakness of muscles with trembling, spasms
- | Contractions of muscles. Contracting, drawing pains. Constrictive sensation
in internal organs or sensation of retraction or pulled in or upward feeling.
Pains - DRAWING, as if drawn back by a string
- | lightning-like pains that extort cries
- | Right sidedness, complaints go from right to left
- | Desire - FRIED, biscuits and salty food. Allergy to eggs and fish
- | Head - Frontal and occipital headaches, usually with colic and bilious
vomiting, with sensation of a ball rising from throat into head
- | Face - Appearance: Skinny, earthy hue, deep lines or FURROWS and pores in
the face
- | Complexion: PALE, ash-coloured, YELLOW, corpse-like, cheeks sunken
- | Eyes - Glaucoma especially if secondary to spinal lesion
- | Mouth - BLUE LINE along margins of gums
scaphoid abdomen
- | Sensation as if abdominal wall was drawn by a string to the spine. Painter's
colic, better from leaning backwards (Dios)
- | Radiating abdominal pains, or boring, or as if forced through a narrow
- | Violent COLIC, radiating to all parts of body (Dios)
- | Pain causes desire to stretch (Dios)
- | Obstructed bowels. Intussusception with colic and fecal vomiting
- | Strangulated hernia. Hernia at navel
- | Gastralgia. Constant vomiting. Solids can't be swallowed, they come back
into mouth
- | Rectum - Constipation with urging and spasm of anus
- | Stool hard, round balls, black, like sheep-dung (Chel, Op, Verat)
- | Anus drawn up with constriction, spasms of anus, during pregnancy, from
impact faeces (when Plat fails)
- | Stool - Hard, lumpy, black
- | Urinary system – Bladder: Retention from paralysis of sphincter
- | Urine - Scanty, albuminous, low specific gravity
- | Chronic interstitial nephritis, with great pain in abdomen
- | Male genitalia - Impotency. Increased desire
- | Testes feel constricted, drawn up
- | Female genitalia - Vaginismus with emaciation and constipation
- | Induration of mammary glands
- | Chest - Palpitations < lying on the left side
- | Drawing pains as in abdomen
- | Induration of mammary glands
- | Back - Lightning-like pains, temporarily > by pressure
- | Extremities - PARALYSIS of EXTENSORS, wrist-drop, ankle-drop
- | TREMOR of hands < writing, eating (Merc)
- | Sclerosis of TENDONS in palms, HARD, THICKENED AND CONTRACTED (Ruta)
- | Dupuytren's (even without contraction)
- | Mainly affects upper extremities
- | Pains in muscles of thighs come in paroxysms
- | Contractures of tendons. Thickened and contracted tendons in the palms
- | Pain in right big toe at night (Gout)
- | Feet cold, while walking only
- | Tearing, shooting pains in extremities > from rubbing
- | Skin - Anesthesia or hyperaesthesia of the skin
- | Anaesthesia in chronic complaints, hyperaesthesia in acute complaints with
loss of power
- | Anaesthesia of the affected part, hyperaesthesia associated with paralysis
Violent colic with sensation as if abdominal wall
is drawn by a string to the spine
Constipation, hard, lumpy, black, like sheep dung stools
Blue line along margin of gums
Takes strange attitude and position in bed during sleep
- | General Sclerotic conditions
- | Lead paralysis is chiefly of EXTENSORS, of forearm or upper limb, from
centre to periphery, with partial anaesthesia or excessive hyperaesthesia,
preceded by pain
- | Excessive and rapid emaciation |
Abdominal colic with pain radiating to all parts
with sensation as if abdominal wall is retracted and tied to spine by a
string > stretching
Constipation - Stools hard, lumpy, black, like sheep dung
Faecal vomiting
Paretic and paralytic conditions - Wrist drop
Alternating states: Diarrhoea <-> Constipation; Delirium <->
colic; Colic <-> paralysis; Head symptoms <-> abdominal symptoms
- | Arteriosclerosis especially of the cerebral
vasculature, Amyotropic lateral sclerosis, Angina, Cerebral accident,
Claudication, Contractures, Dementia, Multiple sclerosis, Neurodegenerative
disorders, Parkinson's disease, Tremor
- | In constipation with stools hard, black when Platina fails
- | In strangulated hernia, Plumbum has relieved in many cases where Aco, Bell
and Nux-v. failed - Dr. Banmann
- | Plumbum met is the remedy for interstitial nephritis - Dr. Curtis
- | Apparently hopeless cases of marasmus in infants, with large and hard
abdomen and extreme constipation, has been cured with this remedy in 3rd
trituration - Dr. Clarke |
Follows Well: Ars, Bell, Lyc, Merc, Phos, Puls, Sil, Sulph
Compare: Aml-n, Anac, Bell, Euph, Ign, Lac-c, Lach, Lyc, Nat-m, Op,
Phos, Pic-ac, Plat, Podo, Sanic, Stram, Vanad, Zinc
Antidoted By: Alum, Ant-c, Ars, Bell, Cocc, Hep, Kreos, Nux-v, Op,
Petr, Pipe, Plat, Zinc
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