- | Highly chilly patient, very easily taking cold.
- | Chiefly a right sided remedy with affections of head, chest, lungs, arms and
- | Great burnings, heat and ebullitions, extending from head to stomach.
- | Circumscribed redness of cheeks especially in afternoon with respiratory
- | Dryness of mucous membranes with burning in throat, under sternum, palms and
soles, with stitches in chest.
- | All complaints relieved by belching or passing flatus.
- | Symptoms ascending, ending in bilious vomiting.
- | Acrid, foul smelling discharges. Sputa and breath smell badly to the patient
himself in loose cough.
- | Sudden stopping of catarrh of respiratory tract followed by diarrhoea.
- | Head - Sun headaches; arising from occiput and setting over right eye >
- | Flushing of blood to head with whizzing in the ears and transitory feeling
of heat, then a sensation of vomiting.
- | G.I.T. - Aversion to butter.
- | Craving for piquant things.
- | Respiratory system - Rose cold.
- | Sensitive to the odour of flowers.
- | Pneumonia in the resolution stage; with affection of middle lobe of right
lung, with constant hacking cough, offensive sputa and burning and soreness
in chest > passing flatus.
- | Asthma with stomach disorders.
- | Extremities - Pains in shin bones, where bones are least covered.
- | Right sided rheumatism, of shoulder, after exposure to cold. Cannot lift his
arm. |
- | Asthma, Climacteric disorders, Cough, Cyanosis,
Diarrhoea, Flushes, Hay-fever, Migraine, Nasal polypi, Rectal cancer,
Rheumatism, Rhinitis, Uterine polypi, Worms.
- | In oedema of glottis, secondary to acute pharyngitis - Dr. Irving. |
Follows Well: Bell
Compare: Ant-t, Bell, Bell-p, Bor, Bov, Calc, Caps, Chel, Cinch, Croc,
Gels, Ign, Indig, Iris, Jamb, Lac-c, Lil-t, Lyc, Mag-c, Mag-m, Meli, Nux-v,
Op, Phos, Psor, Rhus-v, Sang, Sang-n, Sep, Sil, Spig, Sulph, Teucr, Valer,
Verat, Verat-v
It Antidotes: Op