SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS uses / Sanguinaria uses / Sanguinaria can uses / Sang can uses [Sang uses]
Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by),
">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->"
denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Right sided affections
Flashes of heat. Burnings
Periodical sick headache - begins in occiput and settles over the eyes,
especially right
Sudden stopping of respiratory tract followed by diarrhoea
Cough of gastric origin
< | Damp weather (rheumatic pains)
- | There is great torpidity and aversion to mental
work in wet weather
- | Feeling of helplessness because of a sensation of being paralysed
- | Delusion that she is in a car or a train and beg others to hold her. Wants
to be held
- | Day dreaming, she lies with her eyes wide open, one thought chasing another
- | Painfully sensitive to noise with irritability |
- | Highly chilly patient, very easily taking cold
- | Chiefly a right sided remedy with affections of head, chest, lungs, arms and
- | Great burnings, heat and ebullitions, extending from head to stomach
- | Circumscribed redness of cheeks especially in afternoon with respiratory
- | Dryness of mucous membranes with burning in throat, under sternum, palms and
soles, with stitches in chest
- | All complaints relieved by belching or passing flatus
- | Symptoms ascending, ending in bilious vomiting
- | Acrid, foul smelling discharges. Sputa and breath smell badly to the patient
himself in loose cough
- | Sudden stopping of catarrh of respiratory tract followed by diarrhoea
- | Head - Sun headaches; arising from occiput and setting over right eye >
- | Flushing of blood to head with whizzing in the ears and transitory feeling
of heat, then a sensation of vomiting
- | G.I.T. - Aversion to butter
- | Craving for piquant things
- | Respiratory system - Rose cold
- | Sensitive to the odour of flowers
- | Pneumonia in the resolution stage; with affection of middle lobe of right
lung, with constant hacking cough, offensive sputa and burning and soreness
in chest > passing flatus
- | Asthma with stomach disorders
- | Extremities - Pains in shin bones, where bones are least covered
- | Right sided rheumatism, of shoulder, after exposure to cold. Cannot lift his
arm |
Gastric origin of headaches, symptoms ascend from
stomach to head, ending in bilious vomiting
Rush of blood to head and chest with circumscribed redness of cheeks in
afternoon with respiratory complaints
Cough > passing flatus
Coryza followed by diarrhoea
Pain in places least covered by flesh
Feet hot, at night puts them out of bed
Affections of various membranes, vasomotor disturbances
- | Circulation causing congestion, circumscribed
redness of cheeks, headache, etc. Burning and ebullitions and sensation of
heat |
Circumscribed redness of cheeks with respiratory
complaints especally in afternoon
Cough > passing flatus
Rheumatism > sour or acids
Right sided congestive sun headache
Facial neuralgia > kneeling; pressing head against floor
- | Asthma, Climacteric disorders, Cough, Cyanosis,
Diarrhoea, Flushes, Hay-fever, Migraine, Nasal polypi, Rectal cancer,
Rheumatism, Rhinitis, Uterine polypi, Worms
- | In oedema of glottis, secondary to acute pharyngitis - Dr. Irving |
Follows Well: Bell
Compare: Ant-t, Bell, Bell-p, Bor, Bov, Calc, Caps, Chel, Cinch, Croc,
Gels, Ign, Indig, Iris, Jamb, Lac-c, Lil-t, Lyc, Mag-c, Mag-m, Meli, Nux-v,
Op, Phos, Psor, Rhus-v, Sang, Sang-n, Sep, Sil, Spig, Sulph, Teucr, Valer,
Verat, Verat-v
It Antidotes: Op
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