What is the best cure for tonsillitis without surgery in Bangalore ?Homeopathy has the best cure for tonsillitis without surgery in Bangalore. What is the best cure for tonsillitis in Bangalore without surgery ?Homeopathy has the best cure for tonsillitis in Bangalore without surgery. What is the best cure for tonsils in Bangalore without surgery ?Homeopathy has the best cure for tonsils in Bangalore without surgery. What is the best cure for tonsils without surgery in Bangalore ?Homeopathy has the best cure for tonsils without surgery in Bangalore. What is the best tonsillitis treatment without surgery in Bangalore ?Homeopathy has the best tonsillitis treatment without surgery in Bangalore. What is the best tonsillitis treatment in Bangalore without surgery ?Homeopathy has the best tonsillitis treatment in Bangalore without surgery. What is the best tonsils treatment without surgery in Bangalore ?Homeopathy has the best tonsils treatment without surgery in Bangalore. What is the best tonsils treatment in Bangalore without surgery ?Homeopathy has the best tonsils treatment in Bangalore without surgery. |
It can be caused by bacteria as well as viruses. Tonsillitis is transmitted
most commonly from one person to another by social contact such as droplets in
the air from sneezing. Most of the time, tonsillitis is caused by a viral
Bacterial tonsillitis can be caused by Streptococcus pyogenes-the organism that
causes strep throat. If left untreated, strep throat may lead to a more serious
condition called rheumatic fever, which can affect the heart several years
The viruses that cause tonsillitis are
often the ones that frequently affect the respiratory system or
breathing. Most cases are caused by a virus and will only require
treatment of
This generally takes place in persons with weakened immune systems.
sore throat remedies that can be bought over the counter.
The doctor may order diagnostic tests that will look for
strep infection. In some cases, the doctor may start antibiotic
treatment without tests.
If the doctor performs a rapid diagnostic test with a swab
specimen from the back of the throat, positive results for strep throat
may be available during the office visit. However, it typically takes
24-48 hours to confirm rapid test results of a bacterial infection.
Rarely, other conditions such as diphtheria, a foreign
body, or cancer may start with a sore throat. If an abscess or a more
worrisome condition (cancer, diphtheria) appears to be present, the
doctor may consult an ear, nose, and throat specialist.
Role of homoeopathy
Homoeopathic medicines will help in treating the acute phase
of tonsillitis as well as in reducing the recurrent attacks of tonsillitis by boosting host
immunity. With the help of these medicines, the chances ofsurgery can also be avoided. In homeopathy, medicines for tonsillitis are normally
selected with the mode of onset and temperament of the disease as well
as patient.
Tonsillitis symptoms usually improve 2 or 3 days after treatment
starts. The infection usually is cured after treatment is completed,
but some people may need more than one course of medication.
Complications of untreated strep tonsillitis may be severe. Children
with tonsillitis related to strep throat or pharyngitis should
generally be kept home from school to avoid spread of the illness.
What is the best cure for tonsillitis without surgery in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for tonsillitis without surgery in Bangalore.
What is the best cure for tonsillitis in Bangalore without surgery ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for tonsillitis in Bangalore without surgery.
What is the best cure for tonsils in Bangalore without surgery ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for tonsils in Bangalore without surgery.
What is the best cure for tonsils without surgery in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for tonsils without surgery in Bangalore.
What is the best tonsillitis treatment without surgery in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best tonsillitis treatment without surgery in Bangalore.
What is the best tonsillitis treatment in Bangalore without surgery ?
Homeopathy has the best tonsillitis treatment in Bangalore without surgery.
What is the best tonsils treatment without surgery in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best tonsils treatment without surgery in Bangalore.
What is the best tonsils treatment in Bangalore without surgery ?
Homeopathy has the best tonsils treatment in Bangalore without surgery.
Please E-mail dr_ramanand@rediffmail.com for any questions/treatment