- | Acts
best in sanguine, plethoric persons, feebly in debilitated persons with
impoverished blood.
- | TRAUMATIC remedy par excellence. Trauma in all its varieties - mental or
physical, and their effects, recent or remote.
- | Sore, lame, BRUISED feeling all over body as if beaten. Hard bed sensation
(Bapt, Rhus-t, Pyrog). Sore pain when touched.
- | Everything on which patient lies seems too hard (Pyrog.).
- | HEAD HOT WITH COLD BODY. (Bell, Verat-v, Glon). Great coldness of nose.
- | In acute case of injury - controls haemorrhage, promotes reabsorption of
extravasated blood, prevents suppuration and septic condition and helps in
recovery of parts.
- | Discharges are FOUL - breath, taste, flatus, stools etc. Putrid odours of
- | Ascending type of rheumatism. (Led.).
- | MIND and uterine symptoms alternate.
- | HAEMORRHAGIC tendency. Blood vessels are relaxed, causing ecchymosis,
petechiae. Every little hurt makes a BLACK AND BLUE SPOT.
- | SYMMETRICAL ERUPTIONS; indurated. Very sore acne or CROPS OF SMALL BOILS
(Ichth, Sil.).
- | Physically restless but mentally prostrated and APATHETIC.
- | dysentery WITH LONG INTERVAL between stools (4 - 6 hrs.).
- | Cough causes bloodshot eyes or epistaxis. Child cries before coughing as
if aware of the soreness it will cause. Horror of instant death with
cardiac distress at night. |
Complementary: Acon
Followed Well By: Acon, Ars, Bry, Ip, Rhus-t
Follows Well: Acon, Apis, Ip, Verat
Compare: Abrot, Absin, Calen, Cham, Cina, Gnaph
Similar: Acon, Am-c, Ars, Bapt, Bell, Bry, Calen, Cham, Chin,
Croto-t, Euphr, Ham, Hep, Hyper, Ip, Led, Merc, Puls, Ran-s, Rhod, Ruta,
Sil, Staph, Sul-ac, Sulph, Symph, Verat
Antidoted By: Acon, Ars, Camph, Chin, Ign, Ip
It Antidotes: Am-c, Chin, Cic, Ferr, Ign, Ip, Seneg