CUPRUM METALLICUM uses / Cuprum met uses [Cuprum uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Cramps, spasms, convulsions. Chorea
Suppressions (physical and emotional)
Cyanosis. Cough > cold drinks
Metallic taste
Gurgling sound, when fluid descends down while drinking
Mineral, metal
- | Digestive organ - Violent gastroenteritis |
- | Pneumogastric nerve - Violent emesis, convulsive respiration |
- | Liver - Jaundice, fatty degeneration |
- | Kidney - Albuminaria, suppression of urine |
- | C. N. S - Cramps, convulsion, paralysis |
- | C.V.S. - Decreased B.P., Vasomotor paralysis |
- | Mental or physical overexertion |
- | Loss of sleep |
- | Attacks of unconquerable anxiety |
- | Fright |
- | Blow on head |
- | Getting wet |
- | Repercussed eruption |
- | Suppressed foot sweat |
< | New moon |
< | Cold air, wind |
< | Night |
< | Touch |
< | Suppression foot sweat, exanthema or discharge |
> | Swallowing cold water |
- | Intense emotions and impulses are suppressed and
controlled making the patient rigidly closed. Extremely closed patient |
- | Malicious, desire to injure |
- | Unconquerable sadness and anxiety as if some misfortune were approaching |
- | Mania - fiery rage. They try to bite, beat, tear things followed by
perspiration |
- | Violent behaviour |
- | Stupefaction from suppressed exanthema |
- | Sadness when walking in open air, must stand still or sit down |
- | Fixed ideas |
- | Fear of company. Shuns everybody |
- | Destructiveness |
- | Ridiculous or foolish gestures |
- | Spits on faces of people |
- | Bashful, timidity |
- | Fear of falling, of strangers, of fire |
- | Mental dullness and slowness |
- | For fair haired people, prematurely old from
sexual excess, who are overtaxed both mind and body |
- | Periodicity, complains appear from time to time |
- | Cramps or spasms - violent begin in finger and toes and spread over whole
body |
- | Cramps extort shrieks |
- | Cases of whooping cough |
- | Painful menstruation with spasms |
- | Violence - that affected part |
- |
Bad effects of suppressed eruption, foot sweat, measles, suppressed by chill of exposure to wind |
- |
Leading to convulsions, epilepsy, metastasis to brain from other organs |
- | Paralysis of tongue, speech, of isolated muscles |
- | Relapsing, tendency to recur periodically |
- | Mouth - Constant protrusion and retraction of tongue like a snake |
- | Paralysis of tongue with imperfect stammering speech |
- | A strong metallic, sweetish, coppery taste in mouth with flow of saliva |
- | Respiratory system - Whooping cough, long lasting, suffocating, spasmodic,
unable to speak, with breathless, blue face |
- | Attacks successively, vomiting of food after regaining consciousness |
- | Cough has gurgling sound, as if water was being poured from a bottle >
drinking cold water |
- | C.N.S. - Clonic spasm begin in fingers and toes and spread over entire
body |
- | Epilepsy aura begins in knees and ascends |
- | Uraemic convulsions with scanty urine |
- | Female genitalia - For after-pains, especially of women who have borne many children |
- | Spasms or cramps - violence in nature, colic,
abdomen drawn in, violent headache |
- | Blueness, Coldness, Collapse |
- | Suppression or non-development of eruptions or foot sweat leading to
metastasis to brain |
- | Paralysis |
- | Relapsing tendency, periodicity every fortnight |
- | Cramps begins in fingers and toes and then spread
to rest of the body |
- | Epilepsy with aura beginning in knee and then ascending upwards |
- | In between the attack, there is great restlessness, slimy metallic taste in mouth |
- | Angina pectoris, Asthma, Cholera, Chorea, Colic,
Cramps, Encephalitis, Gastrointestinal disorders, Headache, Meningitis,
Migraine, Nocturnal myoclonus, Seizure disorder, Tics, Twitches |
- | In pure nervous asthma - Dr. Russell |
- | For the vomitus of drinkers, Cupr should be thought of - Dr. Berlyn |
Complements: Calc
Follows Well: Agar, Ars, Bell, Calc, Caust, Cimic, Hyos, Sep, Stram,
Sulph, Verat
Compare: Ambr, Ambra, Anac, Apis, Arn, Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc, Camph,
Cann-i, Caps, Carb-v, Cic, Coloc, Gels, Hyos, Lach, Laur, Nux-v, Op, Phos,
Psor, Puls, Sec, Sil, Stram, Sulph, Valer, Verat, Zinc
Similar: Ant-t, Apis, Arn, Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc, Camph, Cic, Cina,
Coloc, Gels, Ip, Nux-v, Phos, Plb, Puls, Sec, Sil, Verat, Zinc
Antidoted By: Bell, Cham, Chin, Cic, Con, Dulc, Hep, Ip, Merc, Nux-v
It Antidotes: Aur, Merc, Op
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