CARBOLICUM ACIDUM uses / ACIDUM CARBOLICUM uses / ACID CARBOLICUM uses / Acid carb uses / Carbolic acid uses [Carb-ac uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Foul, putrid destruction of tissues
Increased olfactory sensibility. Very offensive breath
Burning in mouth to stomach. Fermentative dyspepsia
Cramps in forepart of leg, close to tibia, during walking
in rectified spirit
< | Combing hair [Bry, Chin, Ign, Sel]
- | Prostration
of mind. Mental exhaustion, brain fag (Pic-ac)
- | Mental exertion aggravates
- | Loss of memory for what he was about to do
- | Dreams usually unremembered or amorous, of fire, of journey, of body part
- | Delusion as if he had taken opium in the morning |
- | Irritant,
antiseptic, anesthetic
- | Offensiveness. Discharges foul, burning, putrid
- | Languid, Painless, foul, destructive remedy
- | Pains come suddenly, last for a short time and disappear suddenly [Bell,
Mag-p, Fl-ac, Eup-per]
- | Physical exertion brings on abscess somewhere in the body especially right
- | Anaphylaxis to bee stings. Swelling of face and tongue [Apis]
- | Malignant and septic conditions
- | Burns lead to ulceration with ichorous discharge
- | Prostration of mind but desire for mental work
- | Profound prostration, collapse, surface pale and bathed in cold sweat
[Camph, Carb-v, Verat]
- | Head - Dull, heavy headache as if rubber band were stretched tightly around
the forehead [Gels, Cact, Merc, Plat, Sulph, Nit-ac, Spig]
- | Headache < bending head forward > green tea > while smoking >
tight band > cold hand
- | Migraine just before or after menses
- | Vertigo shutting the eyes. < sitting down > walking fast in open air
- | Nose - Smell very acute. Pressing pain above root of nose
- | Ozaena with foetor and ulceration
- | G.I.T. - Diphtheria; foetid breath, regurgitation through nose on swallowing
liquids but little pain [Bapt]
- | Desire for stimulants and tobacco [Staph], whisky [Syph]
- | Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy < morning, with headache, heartburn and
- | Vomiting; of drunkards, cancer of stomach, sea sickness
- | Constipation with very offensive breath [Op, Psor]
- | Bloody stools like scrapings of intestines [Canth, Colch] with tenesmus
- | Passes mucus from anus when urinating
- | Urinary system - Urine black or olive green
- | Female genitalia - Leucorrhoea in children [Cann-s, Merc, Puls, Sep]
- | Irritating leucorrhoea; itching and burning [Kreos]
- | Uterine displacement with or without discharge. If discharge present, it is
offensive [Nit-ac, Nux-v, Sep]
- | Back - Backache across loins with a dragging down sensation from buttocks to
- | Extremities - Bones bare, crushed, much sloughing of soft parts
- | Skin - Vesicular eruptions all over the body which itches excessively >
after rubbing but leaving a burning pain
- | Malignant scarlatina and variola [Am-c]
- | Lacerated wounds from blunt instruments |
Pains come suddenly, last a short time, and disappear suddenly
Dreams of fire
Great tenderness over transverse colon
Physical exertion brings on an abcess somewhere in the body
Anaphylaxis to bee stings
Prostration of mind, mental exhaustion, brain fag
Offensiveness and painlessness with destruction
- | A
remedy to be thought of in malignant conditions with tendency to destruction
of tissues and putrid discharges, collapse and cold sweat
- | Mental and physical prostration |
- | Constipation,
Diabetes, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Influenza, Leucorrhoea, Lumbago, Ovarian
neuralgia (left), Ozaena, Vomiting
- | Carbolic acid 12 has proved of use in cases of migraine in children - Dr.
- | In pertussis, this helps to stop the paroxysm in 1x or 2x potency |
Ant-t, Ars, Gels, Kreos, Merc, Pic-ac, Vario
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