What is the best cure for breast pain in Bangalore ?Homeopathy has the best cure for breast pain in Bangalore. What is the best breast pain treatment in Bangalore ?Homeopathy has the best breast pain treatment in Bangalore. What is the best cure for mastalgia in Bangalore ?Homeopathy has the best cure for mastalgia in Bangalore. What is the best mastalgia treatment in Bangalore ?Homeopathy has the best mastalgia treatment in Bangalore. |
The Breast is the symbol of femininity and also of motherhood.
Whether it is literature, paintings, sculpture, it is in the spotlight everywhere, sometimes hidden, sometimes exposed according to fashions and cultures; the Breast can also be a source of discomfort, pain and sometimes unhappiness.
From the start of gestation (4th -6th week) and throughout life, the mammary gland will build, evolve… slow evolution until puberty where, under the influence of sex hormones, it grows considerably. This hormonal influence will be constant during all stages of reproductive life and will notably allow the mammary gland to ensure the biological function of lactation.
Symptomatic treatment with Homoeopathy can lead to a complete cure of Breast pain, medically known as mastalgia.
Apis mel., Belladonna, Bellis perennis, Bryonia, Conium, Cyclamen, Hepar sulph., Lac Caninum, Merc. sol., Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Pyrogeneum are some of the remedies which can help cure Breast pain.
An experienced, licensed, Board certified Homeopathic Doctor can differentiate between symptoms which vary from person to person and give you the correct remedy to cure the Breast pain completely. It is not possible for others to differentiate between remedies and select the correct remedy.
Only an experienced, licensed, Board certified Homeopathic Doctor can differentiate between symptoms based on the location (even the side is important), sensation (stitching pain, pulsating pain, drawing pain, radiating pain, burning pain, cutting pain, cramping pain, drawing pain, tearing pain, throbbing pain etc.), modalities (factors that improve it or make it worse) and concomitants (associated symptoms).
For example, Apis mel. is selected if there is stinging and burning pain in an edematous and pink breast, sensitive to the slightest touch, with aggravation by heat and improvement by cold applications.
Bellis perennis is one of the best remedies for pain due to breast trauma, especially in case of a hematoma.
Lac caninum is selected to cure tense, congestive breasts with a feeling of fullness. The Breast/s are sore when touched or at the slightest shaking. The pain alternates laterally or from one breast to the other. Lac caninum and Phytolacca will be entirely indicated in mastitis of the newborn. In many cases, painful breasts at the beginning of pregnancy can be healed by this remedy. It will regulate hyper galactorrhea; breast engorgement, with pain alternating sides; to restart lactation or even, on the contrary, to help with weaning.
Phytolacca, a glandular medicine is selected in glandular swellings accompanied by heat and discomfort with inflammation. Painful nodules worse by pressure with significant sensitivity of the nipple, radiating to the rest of the body. The pain is worsened by movement, pressure, cold and in the night and improved by moderate heat. Phytolacca and Lac caninum generally will be the first homeopathic prescription in case of mastitis observed in the newborn girl or boy.
Bryonia is selected for pain in a hard and painful breast, aggravated by the slightest movement, better by immobility and pressure. Sore breasts at the start of pregnancy, better by wearing a tight bra call for this remedy, although this is not the only remedy where movement is painful. Breast engorgement, hard breasts, warm, pale and painful, worse by movement, better by cold applications, especially during breast-feeding are the main indications for this remedy.
What is the best cure for breast pain in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for breast pain in Bangalore.
What is the best breast pain treatment in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best breast pain treatment in Bangalore.
What is the best cure for mastalgia in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for mastalgia in Bangalore.
What is the best mastalgia treatment in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best mastalgia treatment in Bangalore.
Please E-mail dr_ramanand@rediffmail.com for any questions/treatment